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TradeMark Searching

Whether you’re new to this whole trademark thing or are looking for the best way to search for a trademark, there are a number of things you’ll want to consider. We’ll take a look at common law and Knock-out searches, as well as how to search online.

Online trademark searches

Performing a good online trademark search in India is the best way to obtain information about the trademarks you are interested in. The results of this search can help you determine whether your mark is unique, and how it is used by other companies. It can also help you identify potential prior users.

The first step to performing a good online trademark search in India using government website at, by enter the keyword of your mark. A trademark is a brand name that distinguishes goods or services from a particular supplier. This keyword can be typed into the search box, or can be retrieved from a database.

Search by Name, Contains

Once the keyword is entered (search by beginning word, containing word, phonetically similar word) into the search box, the system will give you results for every trademark that matches your keyword. You can then choose to view these results in detail. This will include the date of the trademark’s creation, its classification, and the owner’s information. You can also choose to see the number of matches.

Common law search

Performing  trademark searches in India can be a useful tool in identifying trademark infringement. The process involves searching through legal records, public records, and databases. While it is not mandatory, it is a good idea to do it.

It’s important to perform a thorough search to avoid infringing on the trademark of a competitor. This is a smart move if you’re planning on launching a new brand in India. You may want to hire a trademark lawyer to help you with the research.

A common trademark searches in India involves examining public records to see if a trademark is already registered. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may be required to register your trademark before you use it. This is a good idea to avoid being sued for trademark infringement.

A common trademark searches involves searching through the financial records of companies, as well as through business and news directories. It is also wise to check internet sites for use of the trademark.

Knock-out TradeMark search

Whether you’re considering filing a trademark application or simply evaluating your brand’s presence in the market, a knock-out trademark search is a good place to start. It’s a quick and affordable way to determine whether or not your new idea has any patentable merits.

Getting a comprehensive trademark search is a must before incorporating a company. It may save you a lot of time and money in the long run. However, there are some limitations to conducting a comprehensive search.

Knock-out trademark searches are not comprehensive, and they don’t have the same level of accuracy. However, they can still provide continuous results and help you make the right decision about filing an application.

The results are usually pretty short, but they can provide a lot of information. Depending on your needs, you can customize your report to include the details you need most.

It’s important to conduct a thorough trademark searches in India. It can save you money, time, and heartache in the long run. A well-researched trademark can prevent you from having to deal with a trademark infringement lawsuit.

Class-wise search

Using a Class-wise trademark searches in India is one way to find similar trademarks for your goods or services. These classifications give the trademark registration process a clear structure and helps you search for similar marks. Having a trademark provides you with the right to protect it and also allows you to differentiate your goods and services from those sold by other manufacturers.

There are 45 classifications for different types of goods and services. Each class represents a specific category of product or service. These classes are also organized as per function. This classification is done to make the registration process simpler for the governing body.

Larger brands tend to register their trademarks in all 45 classes. However, smaller brands often register their trademarks in only those sectors they already operate in. For instance, Facebook owns the trademark for the word “face” in several countries. However, they cannot use it in the name of a messaging app.